Alliance Leichtman-Levine Environmental Science High School

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AP Government (Period 5) Assignments

Ms. Quinn Riddle-Ortiz
LL-ESAT Fall 2019

AP U.S. Government and Politics provides a year long college-level, nonpartisan introduction to
key political concepts, ideas, institutions, policies, interactions, roles, and behaviors that characterize the constitutional system and political culture of the United States.

It is important to note that this course is not a history course; it is a political science course that studies the interconnectedness of the different parts of the American political system and the behaviors and attitudes that shape this system and are the byproduct of this system. By the end of the course, you will be able to analyze current and historical political events like a political scientist and develop factually accurate, well-reasoned, thoughtful arguments and opinions that acknowledge and grapple with alternative political perspectives.

To accomplish this, you will study U.S. foundational documents, Supreme Court decisions, and other texts and visuals
to gain an understanding of the relationships and interactions among political institutions, processes, and behaviors. You will also be required to read and interpret data, make comparisons and applications, and develop evidence-based arguments.


Assignment Calendar

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AP HWK Cal. 12.9-12.20.19



NOTE: Saturday Tutoring Canceled

Study for the AP Final!!!

Periods 3 & 5 Fall Final takes place 12/9/19

  1.      A hard copy of the practice final MC questions are attached to these instructions. Many of the MC questions will be related to or the exact same ones as you will encounter on the fall final exam…give them a try & then check the answer key at the back of the packet! The actual final will have 60 MC questions.


2. A practice exam of ONLY FRQs has also been shared with you on the AP College Board website. You can login @
  • If you forgot how to login, click “Forgot username or password” & they will send you a link to fix that issue
  • Remember, the class code is: RAREKZ
    • Take the “Fall Practice FRQ Final”there are approximately 20 FRQs…one of those FRQs will be on your exam or prepare you for the FRQ that is on your exam!! (There may be 2 FRQs on your final…I’m still debating). Many of these you may have encountered in your Study Guide packets…
    • You do not have to do them all, but I would argue it’s in your best interest to attempt 5 or more that are about different topics.
    • Take the time to research your answers and use details and EXAMPLES to justify your claims. The less vague and basic you are, the more likely you will earn points when we score them.
    • Unfortunately I will not be able to score the FRQs before the final, but have attempted to get the website to show your results. If you do a little research on the answers, it will def. help you prepare you for what is to come Monday.
    • If you have ANY questions on the FRQs, send me a personal email…I will respond to all emails Sunday morning before noon. I may even be able to go in and make the answer key for your FRQs available, even if I can’t score it. After that, you are on your own!


3. Review & complete the Study Guides that have already been assigned. The final will assess your knowledge of all of the content we’ve covered this fall, which include:
  • Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11
  • Foundational DocsàFederalist Papers 10, 78, 51, Brutus #1
  • Court Cases you HAVE TO KNOWà US vs. Lopez, McCulloch vs. Maryland, Marbury vs. Madison, Gibbons vs. Ogden
  • Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution
  • Compromises of the Constitutional Convention
  • Political Parties (including 3rd parties impacts on democracy), primaries, the electoral college/winner take all system, ideology, federalism, demographics & voting trends


4. Do test corrections/metacognition on all past quizzes/FRQs.
  • Most of the questions on the final will come from past tests!
  • Also, turning these in on the day of your final will raise your grade!

Last day to submit work, extra credit, test corrections/metacognition is 12/9/19

Good luck!



AP GOV Unit 2 Hwk Calendar– Nov.17-Dec. 7



Interest Group Project
Have ONE group member open the link below. Make/save a copy of the instructions & save into your Google Drive so you can edit them AND share with your group members.
Begin assigning roles and start your presentation!
If you are absent Wednesday 12/4/19, you will receive an email from your assigned group, notifying you of your role/responsibilities.



Unit 2 Study Guides

CHAPTER 6: DUE 10/31/19
CHAPTER 8: 11/12/19
CHAPTER 11: 12/4/19



5th Democratic Debate

DUE: Period 1, 3, & 5à12/2, DUE: Period 2 & 4à12/3

Please email to [email protected] or print it out to hand in. 2 links to the debate are below...just in case one doesn't work!



History Night Project Instructions
DUE Dates Vary, check front of packet.
Digital Fact Sheets (EACH person please make a copy, save to your google drive, and edit--share w/Ms. Riddle by due date):
Digital Media Sheets (EACH person please make a copy, save to your google drive, and edit--share w/Ms. Riddle by due date):
Group Research Stations—Research & Background for History Night
(ONE group member please make a copy, save to your google drive, SHARE W/ALL GROUP MEMBERS, and edit--share (one packet) w/Ms. Riddle by due date):



Voter Registration
Proof DUE 11.14 (Period 1), 11.15 (Period 2 & 4), 11.21 (AP)

Complete option 1 or 2



AP Gov HWK Calendar 11.3-11.16.19



Gov - Ch. 6 – Political Socialization Project

Political Socialization, Ideology, &/or Public Opinion

Annotated Instructions Due 10/31

Final Project Due 11/7

HARD copy, printed and submitted at the beginning of class

No late work will be accepted.



Extra Credit Assignment

Political Beliefs & Participation Stations

Gov. DUE 10/6 at the start of class

Directions: Complete ALL 5 stations (that means all three stations must be complete in the packet PLUS two more) for extra credit. Data analysis sheet must also be complete. Instructions are below:

  1. Log onto Edmodo, open folderàUnit 2:What generalizations can we make about how race, gender, age, etc. affect people’s political ideologies and participation?
  2. Open the ppt/pdf: Political Beliefs & Participation Stations.
  3. Follow the instructions at each station, this is a review of Ch. 6 material that will help you answer the next Edmodo Q, do well on the History Night & Political Socialization projects, and prepare you for Ch. 6 quiz!
  4. Complete an exit ticket after each station—must complete all 5 stations for extra credit!
  5. In addition to the five station exit tickets you must complete, complete ONE data analysis sheet (analysis of 4 graphs/pieces of data)—you can choose which 4 graphs to analyze…there are various ones within each station in order for the extra credit to count.
  6. Make sure you explain a TOTAL of 15 key terms total throughout your packet/in your answers. Highlight or underline the key terms.

NOTE: Extra credit will NOT be awarded unless you meet all the criteria above AND in the rubric.



AP Gov. HWK Calendar, 10.20-11.2.19



Political Ideology Cheat Sheet
Please make sure to annotate (using four or more strategies)...DUE 10.31.19



AP HWK Calendar 10.6-10.19.19



Debate Instructions 

AP Government & Politics


Annotated instructions—Due 10.10.19


Debate 10.14.19



AP Government – Unit 1 Study Guide

15–25% of course material and May 4th, 2020 AP Exam

Ch. 2-Due: Thursday, Sept.5th

Ch. 1-Due: Monday, Sept. 16th PLEASE UPDATE-->18th

Ch. 3-Due: Monday Sept. 30th PLEASE UPDATE-->Oct. 7th 



Federalism Timeline



AP Hwk Calendar 9.22-10.5.19



When Welfare Depends on Where You Live” handout



Extra Credit Opportunity: Climate Town hall reflection.
Watch THREE democratic candidates discuss their policy goals for addressing climate change. Make sure to watch & compare to Trump. Links to each town hall available below.
Complete the reflection (attached)—DUE 9/23



AP Gov HWK Calendar 9.8-9.21.19



2019 Democratic Presidential Primary Debate

Gov’t -- DUE 9/18 at the start of class

Please email to [email protected] or print it out to hand in.


Directions: Watch Democratic Debate tonight @ 5pm on ABC & Univision, or live stream it! If you miss it live, a link to the debate will be available at HERE:

once original airing ends. Complete the debate reflection attached.




Annotated Instructions DUE 9/11/19



AP Gov Hwk Calendar 8.25-9.7.19



Extra Credit Assignment

Hamilton & Unit 1 Review

Reg. Gov. Period 1-DUE 9/3, Period 2&4-DUE 9/4 at the start of class

AP Gov. DUE 9/5 at the start of class

Please email to [email protected] or print it out to hand in.

Directions: Listen to at least five songs from the Original soundtrack/Broadway musical Hamilton (available on Spotify) and make connections between the songs to 10 or more key terms from your unit 1 map. Please note, there is some mature content within the play/some songs. The album is composed of two disks, choices that have heavily gov’t related material include:

Disk #1: 1-8, & 23

Disk #2: 1-3, 5, 7-8, 11, 19

  • For each song you choose, discuss the key term(s) that relate, provide definitions, how each term connects to the song, theme, and/or story, & their significance…why any of it matters!
  • Underline/bold/highlight the key terms in your
  • Make sure you discuss a minimum of 10 key terms Some songs may just be related to one term, while other songs hit many.
  • Your analysis of the FIVE songs and TEN terms should be at least 1 page in length (typed double space, font 12) OR hand written, 2 pages



Creating a Constitution Viewing Guide



AP Gov Hwk Calendar 8.12-23



AP US Government & Politics

Summer Break Homework (Due 8.19.19)



Please read syllabus online, & get last page of syllabus signed :) A hard copy of the syllabus to get  signed has been provided for you, and is in the back of the packet. 
For translation into Spanish, please copy and paste portions of the text to